Little Cello - Limoncello 700ml
Little Cello - Limoncello 700ml
Steeping zesty organic Adelaide Hills lemon peel in our triple-distilled certified organic vodka, we carefully extract the delicious oils that give our award winning Little Cello the taste of Italy.
When life gives you limoncello keep it in the freezer and enjoy the smooth mouth feel all on its own. Or enjoy experimenting with one of our creative cocktails found on our website.
You may love our refreshing Little Cello Spritz or perhaps the creamy Lemon Meringue Pie'tini!
Gold - 2024 Australian Distilled Spirits Awards
Gold - 2024 Tasting Australia Spirit Awards
Best In Class - 2024 Tasting Australia Spirit Awards
- Little Cello – Limoncello, Little Juniper Distilling Co., SA
“All judges enjoyed this with bright lemon, florals, and sweetness sitting nicely together. The texture held well, and while there was a warming alcohol note, it wasn't overpowering. Good, bright, and zesty example of the category.”
"Love your limoncello! Best I have had". Bianca.H.